Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day Float

Queen Shoals Gage Height = 6.26

I decided to treat myself to a Father's Day float on the mighty Elk River today. I did my normal trek from Blue Creek to Mink Shoals. The trip normally takes four hours, but the water was higher than normal and I made the trek in record speed, two and a half hours.

I took the Rhythm 11. It was her first trip on the river, although she has been on Mud River Lake numerous times. I credit the quickness of the trip more to the water level than I do the boat, but it could have been a combination of both. I did experience the poor tracking problem again, but it was not as bad as I thought it would be. Or am I just getting better at compensating for it? I don't know.

Even though the water was brown and muddy, I liked not having to worry about dragging my bottom on the shallows. It was a satisfying, pleasant ride at this level.