Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day on the Elk River

Queen Shoals Gage Height = 3.82

I made the run from Blue Creek to Mink Shoals again, 10.6 miles. It took me four hours because I had to stop and portage four times. The river is extremely low right now.

I did not take my camera this time, but I wish I had. I had opportunities for some nice shots: a great blue heron which let me get within ten yards; a dragonfly which landed on my hand and several times on my bow; and a flock of 40 or 50 Canada geese which also let me get close. I also saw a hawk attack a duck, but it happened so fast there is now way I could have gotten a shot of it. If you are curious, the duck got away safely.

It was hot, and now I am tired, but I had a good time. Each time I go, I learn a little more about this particular stretch of the Elk. Each time I try different routes around Pleasant Island and the island at Big Chimney Bridge. As of right now, I recommended going left in both cases.

Since I did not take may camera, I will share a picture from a previous trip. This is a shot of the boat launch at the Blue Creek Public Stream Access.

Blue Creek Public Access

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Kayaking is my outdoor hobby. The Dragonfly Cruises is my indoor hobby. If you found something here you want to comment on, this is your the chance. So, go for it. I would enjoy hearing from you. --Dan