Monday, August 4, 2008

Elk River: Blue Creek to Mink Shoals

Yesterday, I kayaked from Blue Creek to Mink Shoals again, 10.6 miles of paddling. That made twice now that I’ve done that stretch. The water was low, 4.09 feet at Queen Shoals with a discharge rate of 219 cubic feet per second. I will wait until it is higher before I go again. I saw plenty of wildlife: great blue herons, Canada geese, mallard ducks, deer, and--of course--fish. I even saw an Irish setter playing in some shoals.

I took a cheap, waterproof camera with me. I figured it was better to sacrifice a little quality than to risk ruining our good digital camera. Unfortunately, the cheap camera did not have a zoom feature. Therefore, I could not zoom in on the wildlife. Even so, some of the shots are nice. I will post some over the next few days. Hope you enjoy them.

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Kayaking is my outdoor hobby. The Dragonfly Cruises is my indoor hobby. If you found something here you want to comment on, this is your the chance. So, go for it. I would enjoy hearing from you. --Dan