Monday, August 25, 2008

Elk River: Blue Creek to Youngs Bottom and Back

Discharge = 288 cfs, gage height = 4.31, at Queen Shoals

I made it to the river yesterday, but not before it got hot. I know you are not supposed to go alone, but I did. I had no one to pick me up at Mink Shoals, my usual take-out spot. So, instead of floating downstream, I paddled upstream until I reached shoals where the water was too swift to go against.

There was an island which was quite a treat to explore. I took several photos which I will post later this week. For now, I will share just one. It is a picture of a damselfly which hitched a ride on my bow. I see damselflies and dragonflies all the time, but the dragonflies are harder to photograph. Besides, the damselflies are more lovely and photogenic. Don't you agree?

Powder-Blue Damselfly

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Kayaking is my outdoor hobby. The Dragonfly Cruises is my indoor hobby. If you found something here you want to comment on, this is your the chance. So, go for it. I would enjoy hearing from you. --Dan