Sunday, August 10, 2008

How and why I became a paddler

I have always loved water and boats. My father was an army officer. As a result, we moved around a lot. He was stationed for a time in Nuremberg, Germany. When that assignment was over, we returned home on a cruise ship. I barely remember the cruise because I was young, but I know I loved it.

He spent the last two and a half years of his army career at Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii. I remember the day he taught me to dog paddle. I remember thinking this is cool. When it was time to leave, again we went by cruise ship--this time from Honolulu to Long Beach, California. It was an enormous ship with elevators, swimming pools, and a casino. I remember stealing a ping pong ball and throwing it overboard. It seemed like an eternity from the time I let go of the ball until it landed in the water.

We moved back to West Virginia. For years I begged, whined, and nagged my parents to put a swimming pool in our backyard. They finally did. I loved it. Then, while I was in college, my father died and my mother was forced to sell the house.

I got married, got a job, and had kids. One summer, we went to Myrtle Beach. My wife and I rented a catamaran. The rental came with a one-hour sailing lesson. My wife was a little nervous, but I had a blast.

When the kids were old enough, we joined a local pool. It was great because my wife is a teacher and the pool membership gave her a great chance to bond with the kids during the summer. Then, the kids became involved in AAU basketball and Junior Olympic volleyball. So, we let the pool membership lapse.

Now that you know the history, it should come as no suprise that I turned to kayaking when my midlife crisis arrived. Last summer I was at a conference at Stonewall Jackson Lake when I had an opportunity to try kayaking. I had wanted to try it for years, but never got around to it. As I expected, I loved it. In fact, I bought myself one as soon as I could afford it, and I have been having a blast with it ever since.

Below is a shot of me kayaking at Stonewall Jackson Lake last fall. (Thank you, Tony, for capturing the moment.)

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Kayaking is my outdoor hobby. The Dragonfly Cruises is my indoor hobby. If you found something here you want to comment on, this is your the chance. So, go for it. I would enjoy hearing from you. --Dan